Linux and PHP are two of the "big" names in the world of information technology. In fact, they usually go together, particularly in the world of web hosting. For example, if you want to find cheap PHP web hosting on Linux servers, you can do this quite easily. Linux, as an operating system, is frequently used by those offering budget hosting, and PHP is one of the many dynamic programming languages that works very well with Linux.

How do you find the most affordable PHP hosting, though? How do you find a web host that offers Linux servers? A quick search through your preferred search engine will yield several million results - obviously not a good place to start, unless you simply have the time to browse several hundred of those results. Even then, chances are good that you would not have scratched the surface of what is available. A better option is to find a directory of web hosts that ranks those hosts based on their operating system and programming language support.

What will you learn from such a directory? You can actually gain quite a wide range of information from these directories. For example, under the heading Linux hosting on the directory, you will be provided with a ranked list of different hosting providers. You will find the provider's name, as well as the name of the PHP/Linux plan they offer. Other information immediately available includes the cost of the plan, the rating for the provider and the geographic location of the company.

However, while that is most certainly valuable information when searing for cheap hosting on Linux servers, you should be aware of another ability these directories give you. One of the most functional features is the "compare" feature offered. This allows you to choose several of the top ranked web hosts and compare them on a side by side basis. Doing so will offer you the best, most in-depth information about the various services offered, the prices for the plans and more. This will help you ensure that you are able to find the best hosting plan, for the least amount of money, and with the fewest hassles possible. These directories make finding the perfect web hosting company a surprisingly simple process that can take very little time.


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